A First-Century Roadmap for Twenty-First Century Christian Leaders
Paul told Timothy to pass on his knowledge of Christ to reliable leaders who could train more reliable leaders.
To grow Christianity today, 21C International follows this timeless wisdom. We empower Christian leaders in developing nations to find, make, and mentor even more Christian leaders.
The Power of
Old School
In today’s world, we’ve largely forgotten the context of the New Testament.
Teaching in those times was personal, familial, and firsthand. It was tailored for people without formal education.
And it built the most dominant religion on earth: Christianity.
Take Paul’s work with the Ephesians. He visited their city, spoke with them, wrote them a letter, and maintained a long-distance relationship with them. Then Paul relied on the Holy Spirit to multiply the fruits of his labor.
It worked. And 21C International is making it work again.
The Numbers that Drive Our Mission
Christianity is exploding with growth, especially in the Global South.
Number of Christians in the world today
Number of Christians projected worldwide by 2050
Number of Christians in North America and Europe, up from 814MM in 2000
Number of Christians in Africa and Asia, up from 660MM in 2000
Christianity’s slight growth rate in Europe
Christianity’s mild growth rate in North America
Christianity’s high growth rate in Asia
Christianity’s astounding growth rate in Africa
Estimated number of Christians baptized every day, 2014
Estimated number of people who become Christians each day, 2022
Estimated number of new Christian churches each year, 2022
But there are not nearly enough trained pastors or Bible teaching programs to meet this growth.
Number of Christian pastors and priests in the world today
Number of the world’s Christian pastors and priests with formal biblical training
Number of years that the developing world is behind the West in education
Average number of completed years of schooling across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
If all the world’s current biblical training institutions operated at 120% capacity…
…they could train only 10% of the world’s five million pastors and priests.
This Is Where We Come In.
21C International trains pastors and church leaders in developing nations so that they can disciple all the new Christians there.
Here is our process.
1. It all starts with Facebook.
2. Then we get down to work.
3. From there, we're on the move.
4. We extend the gift of trust.
5. A chain reaction sparks.
6. We check in with our friends.
The 21C Difference
Exponential, not additive, growth of pastors and churches.
Long-term, not short-lived, change among emerging Christian communities. Here’s how we make it happen.
Inputs Over
Local Over
Organizational Ownership
Over Control
When we train pastors, we minister with them.
We do not minister to them or for them.
So the Christian growth that follows belongs to them.
And to their churches and communities. Not to us.
It’s their growth, not ours.
We do not try to establish a Western-style church or install a Western presence. We are simply visiting brothers and sisters in Christ.

Help us run this race.
As Christianity takes off in developing nations, let’s keep pace with pastors and church leaders who can defend the faith.