The principles and truths that guide 21C International.
Our Mission
21C International is a Christian, non-profit ministry created to encourage, equip, and empower Christian church leaders in developing nations.
We achieve this mission through a robust, dynamic, and totally unique Bible training program.
Core Values
In everything we do — creating curriculum, choosing international partners, training pastors and church leaders in their countries, building our social media ministry, and running 21C as a whole — here are the qualities we bring.
We enter other cultures with a posture of respect, learning, and unity as followers of Jesus. We do ministry with organizations, not to them or for them.
We recognize that the Gospel of Christ transforms the whole person, including the spiritual, emotional, political, social, economic, and physical spheres of our lives and communities.
We focus on partnerships with like-minded churches and organizations, equipping key leaders who will equip other leaders. Training and programs are adapted to local needs, resources, and culture, and are driven by local leaders.
We believe that leaders must be active participants in their own learning and growth. Training is designed to model and teach a relational, experiential, and mutual approach to development.
True transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit; we acknowledge our total reliance on the work of God, committing ourselves to prayerfully seeking his wisdom and intervention in our lives and ministry.
Statement of Faith
Here are the foundational beliefs that we hold without reservation or compromise.
THE BIBLE, as originally given by God, is divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and life.
THERE IS ONE GOD, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
JESUS CHRIST is God manifest in the flesh, was born of a virgin, was sinless in his human life, performed supernatural miracles, died on the cross, bodily rose from the dead, and ascended to a position of supreme power and authority at the right hand of God. Jesus currently intercedes on our behalf, and will personally return to this earth in power and glory.
MEN AND WOMEN were created in the image and likeness of God, but through Adam’s sin, we inherited a sinful nature and became alienated from God. We are helpless in our effort to remedy this brokenness.
SALVATION of lost and sinful persons is freely available through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works. Salvation is accompanied by regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
THE HOLY SPIRIT indwells those whose faith is in Jesus, empowering them to live holy lives, witnessing for and serving Jesus Christ.
ETERNITY is real. We will either live forever separated from God in hell by sin or eternally with God in heaven through accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus.